Star Trek, Transformers 2 Xbox 360 bundles on the way to the UK

There’s two new Xbox 360 bundles coming your way, UK. To mark the arrival of Transformers 2 and Star Trek to DVD (and Blu-ray), Gem and Paramount pictures have put together these blurry bundles.

The bundles are largely identical, and both include an Xbox 360 Elite, an extra controller, and the movie on a USB drive. No DVD for you, friends.

Paramount hasn’t said whether or not these bundles will be released outside of the UK.

And if you do live in the UK, keep your eyes peeled because the release date hasn’t been revealed, nor has the the price.

I’ve seen neither movie, but I’m going to assume Star Trek is better, just because Transformers 2 is, by all accounts, garbage.


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