Samsung’s flexible OLED screen Vs. a hammer

 Do you regularly beat your cell phone’s screen in with a hammer? Well, friend, you’re in… wait, you don’t do that? Crap. Lets start again.

Do you know someone who regularly beats their cell phone’s screen in with a hammer? Well, give them a call, because we’ve got good — nope? No one comes to mind? Guh.

Can you imagine someone who regularly beats their cell phone’s screen in with a hammer? Yes? Great. Boy, do we have good news for them! A video was uploaded over the weekend portraying someone (presumably someone in Samsung’s R&D labs) going at a couple of handset screens with a hammer. The only one to walk away unscathed? Samsung’s 20 micrometer thick flexible OLED screen.

Sure, this specific test is a bit impractical – but if that’s one less component we have to worry about breaking, we’re happy. We’ll be back – we’re going to go look for a hammer.


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