computer slow at starting up ? tune your computer and Boost startup speed

One of the annoying thing every computer user faces is slow startup speed of the PC even though computer starts up it takes 3-7 minutes for the computer to be fully wake up did you know there is a free tool called Starter that lets you manage all the system startup programs so that your computer never feel lazy when system is switched on see the below PIC

you can download starter here

Starter shows the list of process that starts with the operating system whenever the system is switched on or rebooted it shows start up folder items, registry entries list of running process etc it also has some advance features this program runs on all windows Operating system and easy to use now just unchecked the Programs that you think is slowing down the start up process and and see the magic works...

and before using this tool be very careful as registry editing is very dangerous and use only if you are familiar with computers else take the help of who is familiar.


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